The addition of the mini PCI Express (mini PCIe) slot on several of the Connect Tech Jetson™ TX1 carriers provides for the expansion of peripheral devices, such as USB3. These additional USB3 ports can then be populated with any standard USB device.
Known working module(s)
Star-Tech MPEXUSB3S22B
A mini PCIe slot is only available on the following Connect Tech carrier boards, and as such is limited to the following products. These products have been tested with the known working modules, if you have a device that is not on the list, there is a possibility that that device will not function on these Jetson carrier boards.
Insert your device into slot P4 and secure it using the mounting holes provided on your Astro carrier. If you are using the XBG201 Astro breakout board, you will be unable to make this connection, as there is not enough clearance provided for the additional USB3 header on the mPCIe device.
To use an mPCIe adapter you must first ensure that you have the dip switch 1 to the ON positions when using slot P9 on the Elroy, this will allow the device to communicate with your TX1. Insert the adapter into slot P9 on your Elroy, ensuring that it is secured with the correct mounting holes.
ESG503, ASG005 (Rudi)
The Rudi has an mPCIe at Slot P4, however the use of this slot is limited as it is located within the enclosure of the device. This can prove to be difficult to attach any additional USB3 device(s) due to limited space requirements. For disassembly instructions please refer to the manual.
Insert your mPCIe device into Slot P20 and secure it using the mounting holes provided on the Spacely.
Insert your mPCIe device into Slot P10 and secure it using the mounting holes provided on the Cogswell.
Once the mPCIe to USB3 device is installed on one of the previously mentioned TX1 carrier boards, you must then boot up your device and install the CTI BSP for your appropriate L4T release.
L4T24.1, CTI BSP V005
L4T24.2, CTI BSP V008
L4T24.2.1, CTI BSP V012
Reboot the device and you should now have fully functional USB3 devices over mPCIe.
Originally from kdb353: Using mPCIe to USB3 on Connect Tech Jetson™ TX1 Carriers