The purpose of cloning a NVIDIA® Jetson™ module is to backup a custom image, created on the module. Using the L4T tools, it is possible to create a copy of NVIDIA Jetson Modules by backing-up and restoring the APP partition. The following cloning procedure applies to all Jetson modules.
It is important to note that this procedure is written only for taking an image of a Connect Tech carrier profile and flashing it back with a Connect Tech carrier profile between the same Linux for Tegra JetPack version.
This procedure is NOT designed for:
- Taking an image from a Developer Kit and flashing with our Connect Tech Board support package.
- Taking an image from a specific Jetson module and flashing onto a different Jetson module (Example: Flashing a Jetson TX2 module with an image from a Jetson TX2i module).
- Taking an image from a specific JetPack version and flashing with a different JetPack version.
The following guide shows instructions on how to back up and restore APP partition on Jetson platform eMMC, which contains the Ubuntu file system. When flashing a NVIDIA Jetson module with our Connect Tech Board Support Package, the NVIDIA Jetson module and Connect Tech Carrier system is connected to a host computer through a USB2.0 connection. It is important to note that the NVIDIA Jetson module must be connected to a host computer over USB to boot into recovery mode.
- Initial setup of the Connect Tech Board Support Package on the Jetson module must be completed. Instructions on flashing our Board Support Package can be found here.
- Verify which NVIDIA Jetson module is used in the system by looking at the SKU part number on the back of the module. NVIDIA Jetson module information can be found here.
- Host computer must be Ubuntu 18.0.4 and NOT a virtual machine.
This procedure requires a host computer to be connected to the NVIDIA Jetson modules and Connect Tech carrier system through a USB2.0 connection. Through the host computer, the image is taken from the source module and flashed onto the target module.
Here is the general procedure for cloning a NVIDIA Jetson module. A prerequisite to this procedure is to have a Connect Tech Board Support Package already flashed on the module. It is highly recommended to back up any important data before performing the following steps.
- On the host computer, copy the image from an already setup module and put it into a file called ‘clone.img’. From your Linux_for_Tegra directory run the following:
sudo ./ -r -k APP -G clone.img jetson-(Jetson Module Name) mmcblk0p1
Note: Cloning the image may take up to an hour depending on how large the image is.
- The flash script normally creates system.img, then flashes that image onto your module. Copy the cloned image into the bootloader folder:
sudo cp clone.img bootloader/system.img
- To flash the target module with your clone image, run:
sudo ./ -r (Carrier Profile) mmcblk0p1
Note: The -r option on the flash script skips building a new system.img, and instead uses a pre-existing system.img to flash.
***NOTE: Running the flash script without the -r argument at any time after clone will overwrite your cloned system image in the bootloader.
Example: For cloning an Orbitty profile on a Jetson TX2.
sudo ./ -r -k APP -G clone.img jetson-tx2 mmcblk0p1
sudo cp clone.img bootloader/system.img
sudo ./ -r cti/tx2/orbitty mmcblk0p1
For more information on installing JetPack with Connect Tech Board Support Packages, please click here.
For more information on installing Jetpack SDK Components alongside the Board Support Package, please click here.
Originally from kdb378: Cloning Jetson™ Modules with Connect Tech Board Support Package