- Download and install CGOS for the appropriate operating system
- Download and install CGUTIL for the appropriate operating system
- Under windows, CGUTILGUI should be copied into the same directory as cgos.dll,
i.e. \Cgos\WIN\BIN - Running CgosDump with Admin rights automatically installs the driver.
To add a display/resolution dataset to the BIOS
- Launch CGUTIL
- Select target ‘Board’ — this will modify a module live
- Click ‘Panel Configuration’
- Set Data Set drop down to “OEM1” (this will be later selected in the BIOS)
- Press the ‘Update Selected Data Set’
- Select the EPI file
- Note the default extension for the tool is .bin but this can be confused with other congatec BIOS modules. Preferrable to use a .epi extension
- For Connect Tech sales demos , select oem800x480_18bit.epi. in \\nasmain\scr\qseven\common\drivers&fw\congatec\congaQA\Bios\cti_custom\QMENR113
- Click close.
To create a new display/resolution dataset
- Make a copy of an existing file ( or save one from the BIOS )
- Launch CGUTIL
- Select target ‘EPI File Only’ — this will modify a module live
- Click ‘Panel Configuraiton’
- Click ‘Edit/Create EPI Data Set File’
- Click ‘Load EPI Data Set File’
- Tweak the parameter as required for the display; then save with a new name
[1] Create and modify EPI files using the congatec System Utility
[2] congatec System Utility
Originally from kdb329: Adding Custom LVDS Resolutions to Qseven conga-QA/QA6