There will be rare situation when the Blue Heat/Net unit will not boot. Then the LEDs of the unit will indicate the reason for failure. Manual, page 18 – 21, ‘LED Error Codes’ describes the error codes. If the error code is 5 then you will be able to restore the firmware by accessing SCM. You will also need a tftp server so the unit can download the firmware.
You will need the correct firmware (.cfu extension) file for tftp download. Contact Connect Tech to get the correct version of the firmware. Say, you got ‘BHN5272uClinux_1.58C.cfu’ firmware file to restore. Following are the steps to follow
1. prepare a SCM cable to connect to the unit using SCM, you’ll find information in ‘SCM Cabling requirements’ page-21/22 in the manual.
2. Connect to SCM using some terminal emulator (9600 baudrate) like ‘putty’ etc. and enter ‘password’; you’ll find information in ‘Getting Access to the SCM’ page-25/26.
3. Store the firmware file ‘BHN5272uClinux_1.58C.cfu’ for tftp download.
4. From SCM prepare the unit’s ip address, server address and gateway address by following
scm> net mip= sip= gip=
5. Save the settings
scm(not saved)> save
6. Now, start the firmware download process (you will need tftpserver running)
scm> update -os sip= file=BHN5272uClinux_1.58C.cfu
7. enter ‘y’
Continue with the Download and FLASH re-programming (y/n)? -> y
8. It may ask the following question if the last version matches the current one, enter ‘y’
Do you want to save it to the FLASH anyway? (y/n)-> y
9. Finally ‘exit’ will reboot the unit with the restored firmware
scm> exit
Originally from kdb338: Blue Heat/Net Firmware Restore